DAYS OUT: St Mary’s & All Saints, Fotheringay, etc.

After my delivery shift I was in Fotheringay, so I took the opportunity to re-visit St Mary & All Saints, a very large and noble edifice. The whole area is utterly gorgeous, as I hope these photos attest.

I always park up near the narrow little bridge. Somewhere round here would be a pretty idyllic picnic spot. Must do that!

Also visible, just about, from this parking place, is the mound of what I assume was once Fotheringay Castle.

I don’t know much about the local history. But the green plaque, shown elsewhere in this post, indicates royal connections.

Hard to capture up close.

So… to the church. For some unknown reason(s), I didn’t get a decent pic of the whole edifice, up close. So the above will have to do. I kind of hoped the sun behind it would create a ‘divine rays’ effect…

The interior, whilst lovely, is almost disappointingly plain. At least on first glance. But, as ever, take a while and look closely. And you are rewarded. For starters there’s the fabulous King’s College Chapel style roof, in the tower. Very grand. And very beautiful.

The pulpit is very pretty, and has its own miniature tracery roof, internally. And there are some impressive monuments, flanking the altar.


At this point, I didst ‘give wind’, as Teresa would day. And, lo… I didst follow through, a little. Panic stations! Unlike in many churches these days, I was unable to find a thunderbox.

Exit, ignominiously… waddling. Fortunately I was equipped to deal with this awkward scenario. Lessons? Be prepared.

The walk to and from the main road to the church is delightful. Through an avenue of terrific trees. In strong sunshine, like today, the dappled light is glorious.

Also in Fotheringay…

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