MEDiA/TV: By The Sword Divided, 1983

A screenshot of the titles.

Today I started watching By The Sword Divided, a BBC TV series from the early ‘80s that I dimly recall from childhood.

For some reason I’ve been thinking about the ECW, or English Civil War, quite a bit recently. A recurring fantasy being to sculpt wargaming figures for the conflict, or go see a Sealed knot re-enactment.

By the local (Huntingdon) Cromwell Museum.

I found the entire series, currently available on YouTube. And watched the first three episodes. I love it!

It’s funny, because the music, from the theme tune to the programme to the incidental stuff, also appeals. And is very like a good deal of the David Munrow stuff I’ve been getting into.

A 7” single of the theme music!

I’m minded to delve into the earthier and folksier works of The City Waites, an early ‘musicke’ ensemble who are featured in the series.

The Radio Times!? We used to get it…*

* Some folk – our neighbour Mel, for one (she doesn’t have internet) – still do!

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