I picked up three trellis panels yesterday, free. I spotted them outside someone’s home. Bold as brass, I inquired if they were surplus to requirements. They were destined for the dump. Yay! Score.
I’ve slightly cut down one panel, so it matches, height wise, its’ opposite number. These trellis differ from the others we’ve used, thus far, in having doubled up the cross members, for a denser, tighter grid. Do I take out the extra timber? Or leave as they are… hmmm!?
A second larger panel is destined for the east (or house) side, at left as you look westwards, down the garden. This also needs a slight trim, height wise. Once again, do I leave as is, or remove the ‘extra’ cross-members? I’m inclined to leave as is!
Neither of these two new panels are fixed in place, as yet. They’ll require extra vertical posts adding to the main frame, for starters. But leaning up against the structure gives an idea of how they’ll look.
Teresa wants to use the third smaller left-over panel, pictured above, on the fence outside the kitchen window. To cultivate something green and pleasant up, thereby improving the view. A very good idea!