CHURCHES: St Nicholas, Thistleton

St Nicholas.

This church, a Grade II listed building, is now a chapel of ease, as opposed to a fully-fledged parish church.

I didn’t know what that meant. So I looked into it. Apparently a chapel of ease is for occasional usage, by those struggling to reach a more fully operational local parish church.

The porch.

Or, in simple terms, a less used church. Given the decline in church attendance generally, across England, that’s saying it’s almost no longer in use.

I guess that also explains why the interior furnishings look more like a café or restaurant than a church?

First up, a gallery of the stained glass windows.

A miniature rose window!

Given my recent acquisition of a couple of editions of Painton Cowen’s Rose Window book, finding one – even if only a dinky little ‘un- in the flesh, so to speak, is timely, fun and gratifying.

And to finish, a rather handsome bit of pavement, from up near the altar.

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