ART/BOOKS: Rose Windows & English Stained Glass, Painton Cowen

Bought today.

I purchased the above today, at St Mary’s Books & Prints, Stamford. It’s a terrific book. And I’ve already enjoyed poring over it a great deal. My edition is a 1990 reprint. The text and photos, however, date back to 1979!

I’ve subsequently discovered that a newer version came out, in 2005, with more/better colour photographs. Are they all still by Cowen, the author/photographer? As they are in the above older edition.

The 2005 updated edition.

I’ll find out soon enough, I suppose, as I’ve ordered the (above) newer version! I’ve also ordered this:

Another Cowen stained glass book, 2008.

I adore medieval stained glass. And I look forward to studying these books in detail. Indeed, I hope they might inspire me to get artistically creative again.

I have no idea if the following website is also Cowen’s work, or not. It may be!? Anyway, claims to have a growing library of, at the time of posting, ‘over 1200 examples from all over the world.’

Here are a few (all the photos I’ve used here are, I believe, taken by Painton Cowen):

These kaleidoscopic mandala like creations really are sublime. And from what little I’ve already read of Cowen’s writing on the subject, he boldly delves into multifarious avenues of inquiry, regarding their origins, meanings, and how they were made.

Fascinating and inspiring stuff!

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