GARDEN: Ammi Majus, aka Bishop’s Weed or White Dill, etc.

Gorgeous! I’m sooo happy.

Success at last!

I’ve been trying to grow some form of pretty white umbellifers, in the cow-parsley vein, for aeons. Literally years.

And this year those efforts have finally come good. Ironically, I made practically no effort on this particular pet project this year. This sudden efflorescence is a result of previous years’ sowings.

Another noteworthy success are our poppies, which are slowly becoming more established and abundant. I actually bought both poppy and bishop’s weed seeds via Amazon.

Flowers passed. Seed heads maturing.

Other stuff that I want to increase quantities of include: forget-me-nots, hosta, hollyhocks, ferns, and foxgloves. I, or rather we, would also like to get better at keeping indoor plants alive!

Both indoors and outside, some plants with big glossy green leaves would be nice, on the banana family style. Still, little by little the garden develops.

There’s still a long way to go, so much to do. But we’re making slow and steady(-ish!?) progress. And when you see the results, esp’ on a beautiful sunny day, it’s rather heartwarming.

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