DAYS OUT: Peckover House & Gardens

I finished a delivery shift in Wisbech. Perfect for a stop over at Peckover House & Gardens. And on such a glorious sunny day? A wander round the gardens was definitely indicated.

It’s lovely to have such a place not too far away. The gardens are simply wonderful. I wondered into an open potting shed. Exclaiming ‘Oh, my God!’, on entering, because I was hit by a wall of incredibly powerful and lovely floral scent. Which turned out to be sweet peas.

I had planned to read and maybe have a coffee in the café. But it wasn’t open. I’d arrived about 11.15 am. And the café opens at midday. I hung around looking at my Joni special issue mag’, for about 30 minutes, and then skedaddled.

So beautiful.
Nice combos of colour & texture.

A few sundry oddments of other architectural interest from Wisbech, nearby.

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