DAYS OUT/CHURCHES: St Clement’s, Terrington


St Clement’s is an interesting church. One of a few locally that have the tower separate from the remainder of the edifice.

We were lucky; the church was locked, but a couple of folk turned up (for choir practice, apparently), and let us in. Good timing!

The lady told us the font was particularly interesting. And proceeded to open it up for us. She wasn’t lying!

It’s hard to follow a font like that. But there remains plenty more to enjoy. Such as the several different parts of the roof, and some lovely stained-glass.

As you near the altar the stained glass reaches a crescendo of loveliness.

And finally, back out, to wander round the graveyard…

St Clement’s is a lovely church. Well worth a visit. We weren’t able to look inside the tower, sadly. Maybe another time?

Groovy tree…

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