DAYS OUT: Belton, NT, Pt III

After our voyage around the first floor, we were exhausted, thirsty and hungry. So we took a break. Shared a pulled pork n’slaw bap, then had a hot chocolate, and a salted caramel shortbread. We also took a chance to look around outside again. Before heading indoors for the trip upstairs.

The weather was mostly cloudy and grey. It kept threatening to rain. But then it turned sunny for a bit. And actually got very hot and muggy, for a while.

So, back into the house, to ‘do’ the upstairs floor…

In one of the upstairs rooms there are seats and books, and you’re allowed/encouraged to sit and read. Should you choose to. We did!


In this unbelievable place, stuffed to the gills with treasures and fabulous craftsmanship, some of the transitions, from room to room, are jaw-dropping. One such occurs at this point.

The transition from the lightness of the orientalist theme bedroom to the dark hand-painted marble effect of the next room, part passageway, part mini-library, is both extraordinarily powerful, and, quite frankly, wonderful.

And finally, back out, into the grounds. And, to my massive delight – having texted Teresa about seeing large deer in the area on my previous (work) trip – who should come and occupy the cricket pitch, after the match? A herd of deer, no less!

There you have it. What a place! We’ll definitely return.

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