DAYS OUT: Belton, NT, Pt I

An impressive pile!

We rocked up a little later than anticipated, due to a crash on a road just outside March, that diverted us onto a much slower but more scenic route north.

The above mini-gallery is an area I explored whilst Teresa got herself ready to exit our car. The final photo taken as I returned to the car park.

Teresa occasionally mentions wanting to watch some cricket. And, lo and behold, there was a group of guys doing just that, on the lawns in from of the house.

We’d thought we’d walk around the grounds, either before or after visiting the house. But in the end we went straight to the house. Well, sort of. We sat down to watch a bit of the cricket.

There’s so much to see and enjoy here, just in the house, I’ll have to split this into two, maybe three, posts.

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