DAYS OUT: Near Thorney…

Took the above whilst stopped on the road from Whittlesey to Thorney, just before crossing the river Nene. And shortly after this field full o’ cows, was a field full o’ sheep! Aw… lovely.


And then, after my final drop, in Thorney (a lovely village that dates back to the 600s), I saw these geese. I love living out in the country! It nourishes the soul in a way the city not only fails to do so, but actively works against.

Interesting local info’.

I used to studiously ignore these public info’ boards. Not entirely sure why, to be honest!? I’ve snapped this one so I can read it at me leisure (the latter to be pronounced US style, as in seizure!), out of the biting winds that are blowing today.

Sunshine and cloud, battle it out…

I stopped just outside Thorney to have my Morrison’s salad counter lunch. Delish! We must – or rather I must – start making such stuff at home. It’ll be cheaper, and very healthy. And it’s way more satisfying and delicious than the ‘pornography for the palate’ that is so much of contemporary convenience foods.

Nice to see little wooden benches.

I’m going to sit and chill here for a while. And prob’ try and book some more delivery work. Those two things don’t go together – relaxing and getting work – truth be told!

The green, at Thorney.
A Douglas C-47 in D-Day livery flies overhead.

I wish I had a better camera! The above image totally fails to capture the magic moment a Douglas C-47 in D-Day colours flew overhead.

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