MUSiC: Dr Who… & David Munrow’s Early Music


Teresa is watching The Masque of Mandragora – hence the above screenshots – an old Tom Baker Dr Who story.

I’m not a fan of Dr Who, as a whole. Only during Tom Baker’s tenure, do I think they hit a genuine sweet spot. I won’t go into why here and now. I think I’ve done so elsewhere.

But, whilst I’m indifferent to most Dr Whos, and downright loathe the more modern incarnations of what has become a dead donkey of a franchise, I adore Tom Baker era Who. Mandragora is utterly wonderful.

And it’s some of the incidental music (as well as the attention to period feel and detail: costumes, hair-dos, scenery, etc.) that launched me on the path that leads to this post.

David Munrow, smoking a bong.*

Some of this period music put me in mind of stuff I’ve heard by David Munrow, the tragic manic early pioneer of the renaissance (read more about him here).

Teresa and I love this music. So I’ve ordered some Munrow CDs. Can’t wait to further explore this old and enchanting sound world.

I love this old record cover!

I wonder if the above is available on CD? And if so does it sport this extremely cool cover? There’s a quest for me!

* Only joking. no doubt it’s some kind of weird early music instrument.

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