POLiTRiCKS: General Election, 2024

No wonder he’s smiling.

Well, well, well… a Labour landslide!?

My first thoughts – after a hallelujah – are along these lines; Labour inherits a dis-United Kingdom that has been thoroughly trashed by decades of ‘neo-liberal’ casino style disaster capitalism, aka modern Toryism. So don’t expect a quick fix!


Whilst the mere existence of Farage/Reform is very worrying, I’d like to thank these loathsome folk and their ‘orrible supporters (more on this below) for taking votes away from the Tories. Every cloud has a silver earring, as Count Arthur might say.

Here are a few things Labour needs to do now they’re in office:

  • Start the process of rejoining the EU.
  • Nationalise utilities, such as water and electricity.
  • Bring public infrastructure back into public ownership: nationalise trains. Invest in road repairs, etc.
  • Make good on Corbyn’s promise to bring free internet to all.
  • Hold criminals to account. I’m talking about Tories profiteering whilst others die: Covid, the NHS, Grenfell, etc.
  • Root and branch reform in public institutions, such the NHS, schools, etc. Root out PFI style Tory (or even, sad to say, New Labour) arrangements.
  • Invest in and expand the NHS. Bring dentistry back into the fold.
  • Crack down on gambling, and the whole utterly repulsive casino culture so ardently fostered by Toryism.
  • Work at rebuilding an intelligent culture. Something years of populist Toryism – maybe more their lapdog media, perhaps, than the party (?); definitely a truly toxic partnership – has so sedulously worked against. The massive growth of yob culture – in which people are proud to be stupid (!?) – needs to be arrested and put in reverse.

Whilst I’m elated at seeing the Tories out, we don’t want a repeat of Blair-ism, where the left is so far to the right it often out-Tories the Conservatives (stand up Blair, and even more so, Brown).

I’m filled with foreboding, along the lines that 75 years of mostly very destructive right wing rule (rendering the name ‘Conservative’ a prime example of Orwellian Newspeak!) cannot be remedied in one term in office. The damage Toryism, esp’ post-Thatcher, has wrought is so massive, it’ll take ages to repair.

My locality is (almost) as Tory as ever.

Sadly the Tories still won in our constituency. Unbelievable! I can (almost) understand farmers remaining staunchly Tory. They are after all landowners. And – adopts Patridgean tone – inbred idiots. But all the working class Tories? Insane.

A good number of these Daily Mail reading cretins have voted Reform. Makes one shudder. But, returning to a previous theme, at least these dullards have taken away from the Tories.

Andrew Parker, of Bishops Stortford.

Andrew Parker was filmed by Channel 4 News while canvassing for Reform UK, calling Rishi Sunak a “f****** p***” and advocating using migrants arriving in the UK by boat as target practice for the Army.

from the Bishops Stortford Independent

It’s pretty sobering – or should be frightening, maybe even sickening? – to realise that most of the folk you live amongst are sub-bovine morons.

As well as the more obvious hordes of tracky-wearing shaven-headed tattooed pinch-faced racist Gammonry, there are those who look fairly normal and respectable, but are still essentially pus-filled sacs of right-wing bile, fed at the poisonous teats of our red-top gutter press.

I just hope, pray even (atheist tho’ I am!), that, 1) We get a real Labour/left-wing government, bold enough to really reverse the many ills of Toryism, and 2) that they are given the great deal of time that real radical change will require.

Sadly I think in our current cultural climate brains are rotten, and attention spans too short. We shall see…


Farage’s response? He tried to blame it on the media, saying it was ‘a total and utter set-up’, claiming Parker is an actor, insinuating this was a paid role. Ofcom are not investigating.

But let’s let Parker, a true meat n’ potatoes Reform-ist have the last word:

He [Parker] said it was about time “we got rid of this Third World filth that’s over here, about time British values come first”, adding: “If you don’t like it, f*** off.”

He also aimed abuse at the LGBTQ+ community after saying it was “about time the British people could fly their Union Jack holding pride”. He added: “Talking about pride, you f****** lot can f*** off as well.”

A bit more of Andrew Parker’s eloquent Reform-ist ‘straight talk’. From the same source.

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