MUSiC/MEDiA: Joni Mitchell Essentials – Mojo Collectors Series

Got this today. In Sainsburys!

A special edition of Mojo, dedicated to the genius of Joni.

£10.99! Overpriced? Yes. But I had to have it. Thumbed through it today, and it looks interesting. Covering all her albums, song by song, and with additional special features. Also looking at live albums, books, etc.

Plenty of great photos of Joni, across her illustrious career, and all the famous (and sometimes less well known) faces and places she’s been.

I’ll prob post a review of this, once I’ve had a chance to read it in more detail. Being a Joni Junkie, I couldn’t pass on it. And I learn that she’s due to perform live later this year, at the ripe old age of 80!

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