HOME & GARDEN: Further Pond Work – Gravelling Edges

Today we went to a place on the other side of town, where some local folk were giving away gravel. I thought it’d be good for the pond. So I went a got a load (four gardening tubs full).

I reckon it looks the part. And I’m pretty pleased with it. Maybe a couple more tubs worth? and it’ll be done.

A little gallery of garden stuff, looking pretty. The roses are bloomin’ borgeous! Then we have poppies. I’ll be sewing a ton more poppy seeds in due course.

All of these are a source of much needed solace and even, dare I say it? joy. One of the things that makes me happiest is the final efflorescence of white umbellifers.

Are they native cow-parsley? Or are they the stuff I bought and sowed seeds with? I guess I can try ‘google lens’, and see what it makes of them.

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