DAZE OUT/iN: Sun, Gardens & Stuff…

St Mary’s, Denver.

After my afternoon shift today, I parked up beside St. Mary’s, Denver. And after thatI drive around Denver a bit, to explore. Doing that lead me to discover an old guy selling books (and other stuff) from his garage.

I’d stopped to photograph a few particularly lovely gardens, ripe with poppies and hollyhocks. Then, as I drove off, slowly, I saw an open garage, with signs saying ‘all books 50p’. Worth investimigating, methought.

So I did. The proprietor, Barry, also showed me round his garden. Which is absolutely gorgeous. The hollyhocks are huuuge…Probably about 10 feet tall!

Well Creek, Upwell.

A wee bit later on, having been into Downham Market, and bought yet another Napoleon biography, I stopped to enjoy the glorious weather, beside Well Creek, back in Upwell.

After reading the intro, and first chapter, of my new Boney biog’, I drove home. And when I got back, Teresa and I went for a wander down the garden. That’s when I took the following pics:

Roses by the pond.

For one thing I wanted to check that the pond isn’t draining. And it isn’t. Fab! I sat beside it for a brief spell. It’s lovely to do just that, and it’s far from finished.

Teresa beside my, dans le jardin.

Having reassured myself that the pond isn’t leaking, we toddled up and doon our wee patch. And I took all the snaps that follow:

The garden is looking pretty ace. And it lifted my rather gloomy spirits to spend some time in it. It’s especially lovely in the bright sun of a summer evening.

And I’m massively gratified that my efforts to cultivate poppies and white umbellifers appear to have finally succeeded.

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