DAYS iN: Garden Love


Took all these snaps after returning home from work. A gorgeous sunny day. And the garden looking raggedly lovely.

A few poppies starting to appear.

I’ve planted or sown tons of poppies. And I have a ton more poppy seeds. But like almost everything I/we do, flower related, we seem to get a rather low/slow rate of return.

More lovely roses.

We need to improve our cultivating skills. Roses are a good example. Ours are always ragged and leggy. I think it’s cause we don’t prune often enough, hard enough, or in quite the right way!

Talking of pruning, what happens to all our secateurs!? They either grow defunct way too soon, or simply vanish!

Getting high! In a good way.

Throughout the garden are a number of fruit bearing plants. Here’s a selection of images of them.


I ought to find out what varieties of apples, pear and plums we have, really. But for the time being it’s enough that we simply have them at all.

A lone fig.

The fig trees are usually superabundantly laden with fruit. But on this occasion I struggled to find any to photograph.

Mo’ apples.
Plenty o’ pears.

I got the water feature below free, at the local dump. Back when you could do such things. It’s not a beauty. But birds (and even Chester) do use it. I can’t wait for our pond to fill and start attracting critters! But first the liner needs fixing/sealing…

Not great, but better’n nowt.

The dandelions open and close with a regular pulse. It’s a shame they lean out over the lawn the way they do. Perhaps I should prop them up somehow, Monty Don style?


I’ve been trying to grow umbellifers in our garden for years. With no apparent success. Finally, we have some. I don’t know if it’s native cow-parsley, that’s simply self-seeded, or something I’ve sown? Whatever, I’m just glad we’re finally seeing some.

More umbellifers (and weeds!).

And more leggy roses… shading a few mo’ umbellicles…

Ragged but pleasant.

And here are a few shots of the green room. Here the growth of the wisteria is going well, unlike our front, where it appears to have died. I need to look at protecting/fixing some of the wooden framing of the green room. But overall it’s developing nicely.

Abundant growth.
The roof is coming along nicely.
The northern ‘wall’.
A view from low down.

The wheelbarrow just visible above has a flat tire, which goes down as soon as you load it up. Not sure what to do about that? Makes it entirely useless.

As ever, there’s tons to do. But overall? The garden is looking alright. Kind of lovely. In it’s raggedy-arse way.

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