DAYS iN & OUT: Chester at the Vet, Pond, etc.

Chester gets checked out.

I took Chester to Amical vets, for 9am. The lady vet shaved the area where he appears to be in pain. Nothing too clear, nor terrible, or even very visible. A couple of little light red marks. Not altogether clearly a bite. A tiny amount of swelling. And a bit of a raised temperature. Hmmm!?

This visit to the vet cost me £145! Phew… modern life, eh!?

Once home, I gave Chester his first dose of pills, in some Webbox. He guzzled it all down, pills included.

I then went out to the garden, and removed eleven buckets/tubs of soil, all of which have been dug out of the pond (although only about half today). And this lot isn’t all that I removed, in creating this feature.

View from the western side of the ‘green room’.
Looking east, back towards the house.

I deepened both ponds, and the connecting channel. I then did my best to remove all the roots and stones that I could. Especially any on the bottom. I also compacted and flattened the soil.

The southern pond.
The northern pond.

If I don’t get another delivery shift. And I’ve had no joy trying so far. Then I’ll see if I can add weed-suppressant matting, and pond-liner, before I have to leave for my evening shift.

Delicious pasta leftovers.

I have to blow my own horn (oh, how I wish I could!), re my recent ragu. It’s simply delicious. We’ve had three meals out of the batch I made most recently.

The three meats – beef, chicken liver, bacon, – and three veg – onion, carrot, celery – plus garlic, bay leaves, a little wine, and plenty of time cooking. It’s such a satisfying thing to cook and eat, if it comes out right. And this time it certainly did.


Ha! Rather than do more pond work, I fell asleep, after watching the Romania vs Ukraine Euros match, on catch-up.

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