HEALTH & WELLBEiNG: Stop The World…


‘Stop The World, I Want To Get Off…’

This is how I feel right now. And sadly it’s neither a new nor an unusual state of mind, for me.

I’ve weathered a number of particularly unpleasant storms in the last couple of years. But instead of experiencing them as ‘what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger’ type events… Well, it’s more a case of being worn down by attrition.

To continue with the Anthony Newley schtick, ‘What kind of fool am I?’

What kind of man is this?
An empty shell
A lonely cell in which
An empty heart must dwell

Kermit sings WKOFAMI? with ‘help’ from Grover.

Unlike Littlechap, the protagonist of the play/film (etc.) that the poster atop this post refers to, I’m not in a circus, nor do I have kids, a successful career, wealth, or a series of interesting lovers.

I’m just a ‘bona fido’ sad-sack loser. I don’t enjoy life. At least not enough to want more of it. Depression has been a near constant companion since mid- or even early-teens.

Beck, Loser.

And what have I done with the life I do have? Feck all. Or at least feck all of any worth. Even of any worth just to me, or those around me.

Everything seems to me like a pointless and lamentable waste. A waste of time. A waste of energy. And as time passes, this makes me more and more bitter and angry. What’s the fucking point!?

I realise that I’m not this way all the time. And sometimes I’m actually happy. Or just ‘comfortably numb’, as The Floyd had it.

When I was a child 
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.
(Pink Floyd [lyrics, Roger Waters)

Writing like this, to my surprise, seems to help a bit. Maybe just venting a little is ok? I’ve found calls to The Samaritans helpful. So much so I’ve gone from thinking they are totally useless (poss’ even harmful!?), to becoming almost dependent on them.

Chad Varah, clergyman, fag smoker, and founder of The Samaritans.

I guess I need to go back and get more ‘help’? But I don’t really want to. And therein lies one of the worst aspects of the depressed state: lack of motivation.

In fact it’s kind of worse than a pure absence of motivation. Only when I’m actively doing something else, e.g. my Amazon delivery work, do I feel motivated to do other stuff. But as soon as I get home, poof! That’s gone. And I slump back into the slough of despond.

I can dream up schemes when I'm sitting in my seat
I don't see any flaws 'til I get to my feet
I wish I never woke up this morning
(The Police, Darkness [Stewart Copeland])

I’m seriously tempted to just brutally chuck out a ton of stuff I’ve accumulated over the years, as I feel that ‘all my shit’ – both physical and mental – is quite literally doing my head in.

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