DAYS OUT/CHURCHES: St Andrew’s, Haconby

Under clouds.
In the sun.

This church was nearby the final drop of my 1st shift. It was locked. Fortunately the local churchwarden, Jill, answered my call, and came and let me in. The first gallery is exterior stuff I shot before Jill showed up.

St Andrew’s, Haconby, isn’t a Miss World amongst churches. Rather she’s a bit of a humdrum dowdy ol’ spinster. But like most old churches, keep looking, and you’ll generally find something.

After the splendid glass of (?), St Andrew’s had a lot to live up to. And, sadly, perhaps, doesn’t really rise to the occasion. Nonetheless, there are one or two points of interest. In the next gallery (?)thC. graffiti is visible, scratched into several walls.

And just as I was getting ready to leave, I noticed an old chest. There was a protective plastic sheet and sundry modern junk on top. I robed these (and replaced them after), so as to get a better look…

An intriguing old chest…
… a closer look.

A final snap, with the organ in view. And off I toddled. Returning the key to Jill was a minor Odyssey! Not an earth-shattering or even very remarkable church visit. But, as very much is normal, well worth the look.

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