I’ve passed St Edmund’s, Emneth, many, many times. And stopped to investigate more than once. But it’s always locked.

Today I sought out a keyholder. And gained entry. As ever, it was a rewarding experience.

Entry is, unusually, via the north or secondary door, not the usual porch.
The guy I got the key from, a Mr Pickles, said something along the lines of ‘there’s not much to see’. Well, there another of those Fenland Angel Beam roofs, some nice stained glass, an interesting funerary monument, and sundry other bits n’ bats.

Look at my pics closely, and you’ll see there are some decrepit areas; flaking paint, crumbling masonry. These old buildings are showing their rage, I guess. A reminder to me of my desire to join the CCT.

The main lights of the large altar end window (east facing?) are beautiful. Rather akin to stuff at Ely Cathedral, in style and colour palette. Even the plainer glass windows are beautiful.

So, yet another satisfying church visit. Oh, and it was raining. Heavily enough that it made being in the church both cosy, and sonically soothing.