DAYS OUT: Lunch at Elsie’s Tea Room

Walk by the river, in March

Teresa had her head wound checked and the dressing renewed today. Then we had a brief riverside walk.

After that I suggested we make up for yesterday’s trials and tribulations by having lunch at Elsie’s Tea Room. Which we duly did.

The window display is totally changed.

Teresa had a toasted cheese and ham sandwich, and I had baked potato with tuna-mayo and grated cheese. Delish!

We had a pot of tea each, and finished off with a knickerbocker glory, for dessert. I also bought two jars of conserves (marmalade and strawberry jam), and four ‘quarters’ of tuck shop style sweets.


The bill was pretty modest – esp’ in today’s extortionate climate – for what we got. And the pure joy of it all made it worth every penny.

An interesting collectable book.

The only slightly bum note was my hayfever, which was horribly intense. I took a piriton tablet. But to no discernible effect. And the constant sneezing quite wore me out

But, all told? O’ Frabjous Day! Simple pleasures are often the best.

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