DAYS OUT: Flo’ Wash; Pinnacle; St Paul’s, Gorefield

For the first time since buying her – she’s stayed looking remarkably good all this while – I had Flo’ washed today.

My older smaller cars (MX5s, Ford Fiesta) were £8 a pop. This SUV sized beast is £12. Can’t really afford it. But gotta look smart for work!

Plus it always feels good to have a shiny sparkly car for a while.

Whilst the Eastern European folk – the boss was very friendly – washed Flo’, I sat inside her, and read the article I reproduce above.

It covers All Saints church, on Jesus Lane, and 183 Gwydir St, both in Cambridge. I’ve visited the former. And marvelled at the Arts & Crafts interior (indeed, a photo of part of one of the walls was once my phones’ wallpaper!).

Google Earth screengrab, of 183 Gwydir St.

The latter, also know as David Parr House (visit their website here), however, is entirely new to me. Parr actually worked on All Saints, as a young apprentice. And 183 Gwydir St was his final home. Which, we are told here, he decorated amazingly over his lifetime/tenure.

We must visit! Or in my case re-visit All Saints, and take the guided tour (hmm!?*) at David Parr’s House.

* I’ve never been too keen on such group activities. I prefer to explore on my own.

St Paul’s, Gorefield

St Paul’s, behind a beautiful English Plane.

I’ve stopped and photographed the exterior of this church before. It’s always been locked, on previous visits. Today I called the Churchwarden, a local lady called Joy. She very kindly opened the church for me.

Once inside, I was immediately struck by some details at the altar end…

A dose of Synchronicity!?

One more gallery, of misc pictures. This church is much more modern than most I vvisit.

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