DAYS OUT: Stradsett Park Vintage Rally, Pt. I

Fab gear!

Today we went to Stradsett Park Vintage Rally. And what fun we had! First off, it’s just a gorgeous day; terrific, esp’ considering how grey, gloomy, wet and rainy it was yesterday.

For a sense of scale.

One little worry was, with all the rain yesterday, would we get stuck in the mud trying to leave? We’ll come back to this later. For now, having parked, on entering the show grounds, the first thing that greeted us was this:

Was this a 40 pipe organ?
The Dad’s Army theme tune.
The workings. Note snare and beaters at left.

We then circumambulated an area at the left, which was populated with the little machines in this first gallery.

Butter churner.
Water pump.

After all these little machines, I went to look at the trucks:

And after the trucks, the (mostly larger) steam traction engines:

Poop-poop! Toad of Toad Hall…

At this point we decided to go back to the car, have a bite of lunch, and then return, this time with chairs.

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