BOOKS/MEDiA: Audio Erotica, Trunk/Fuel

This arrived today.

I have to confess to being something of a Trunkophile. Johnny Trunk seems to be on my wavelength. I’ve bought quite a few groovy items of apparel from him, and a fair bit of music, as well.

A rather nice cover, no?

And his interests range much wider. For example he wrote the introduction to the beautiful Small Films book, by Four Corners. Which, interestingly enough, in terms of synchronicity, Tim Oliver, who visited today, gifted me some years back (thanks, Tim!).

The title Audio Erotica is perfect. The only reason I knock off half a star is that I’ve been spoiled rather, recently, by numerous books about music that I’ve acquired being both beautiful and big. This is more medium to small in size.


Organised as an A-Z, from Acoustic Research to Zenith, some companies – Bang & Olufson, Sony, for example – get several pages, whilst others get only single entries.

B&O, a famous brand, still going strong.

I rather like B&O’s rendering of the ol’ £ symbol (below). There’s a delicious irony, or just aptness, in that their gear is also known for being very expensive.

Money, money, money.

There’s a lot of design stuff in here that I don’t feel is worth sharing. Inc. lots of dated but delicious use of ‘dolly birds’ to flog audio gear. I’m not really showing any of that, as it’s more cheesy than compelling, to me.


Chickens, on the other hand? I love this BASF promo’, with the cockerel! Very old fashioned looking. It could be something from the 1940s!

Bogen!? Nope… Brubeck? Of course!

‘I hear you’re mad about Brubeck…’ Never heard of Bogen before. But if it’s good enough for Dave?


The future? It ain’t what it used to be. I didn’t realise Braun did hi-fi. Some pretty sci-fi hi-fi, at that. And they’ve produced some fab promo’ stuff as well.

JBL grooviness.

There are, dotted throughout, little gems, such as the above. And the spread below is straight out of an Austin Powers wet-dream bachelor party pad.

Space age bachelor pad!?
Nice design work from Pioneer.

There are lots of familiar names. Pioneer, Sony, etc. And lots of obscure stuff, as well. And from all over: many Japanese, American, German, even quite English brands.

Mmmm… Revox reel-to-reel.

I love reel-to-reel machines. My dad had one (or two?). I recall a TEAC reel-to-reel. It was a four track recorder. Or was it Tascam? I wonder what became of it? Wish I had it!

Love these graphics.

The above is another of those occasional design nuggets I so love. Some, such as the above, of these remind me of Saul Bass’ work, in their bold simplicity.

Wow! Sony knock it out of the park.

One of the biggest hitters in this market, Sony smash numerous design aesthetic home runs. Strong stuff!

More fab Sony spreads.

All told, this is just what the title suggests. I don’t know the exact time frame as yet. Just that it’s retro gear. So far – this came earlier today – I’m mostly just perusing the imagery. I have been reading snippets of the text. And it’s fascinating. But I’ve yet to have a full read through.

An excellent little book. Thank you senor Trunk and the folk at Fuel.

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