DAYS iN: Drum Room Stuff

So far… so… hmm!?


It’s Saturday, and nine days since Ruby was written off in my local crash. I’ve got a neck and headache that’s been persisting for several days now. I guess this’ll be some form of whiplash? Mayhap I oughta get myself looked at?

Unusually, when I reluctantly administered a dose of co-codamol last night – always very efficacious, I find – it didn’t really help. That is very rare indeed. And both annoying and disappointing.

Buddy n’ Ginger, in my corner.

Anyway, back to now; I still have the neck/head-ache. And, as ever, I’m exhausted. But it’s time to ‘get up, get into it, and get involved’, as the great JB exhorted us all to do.

And for me, today, that means starting with hanging as many of my drum room pics as I can. That’s actually a fun job. Or should be. Fingers crossed it’ll prove to be as fun as I’m hoping. Snaps of the results will of course adorn this post… later!

Karen… a guilty pleasure, perhaps?

I have two images of Karen Carpenter at her drums. This one tucked away, somewhat furtively, right by the drum stool, but hidden from view elsewhere, as it’s on a rear of the room facing aspect of some shelves.

With the Karen pics, it’s not so much that she’s a big influence on me, or anything like that. She was indeed a superb drummer, as well as a brilliant singer. But I’ve never studied her drumming intently. And she was, alas, ultimately a somewhat tragic figure, in ways.

You could say she’s a guilty pleasure. But that’s disingenuous. I feel no guilt whatsoever for loving her or the Carpenters. Perhaps, aside from their inherent visual appeal – she looks great! – I have them up in part as a salutory lesson? She loved her drums, but allowed others to deflect her from that path.

Karen & Richard, over on the guitar wall.

Maybe she would’ve gone the way she went ultimately anyway? Perhaps it was almost inevitable? Built into her psychic fabric? One hopes not. That idea sounds too much like something Phil Lynott sings about, in his fab song, Fatalistic Attitude.

Macca and stuff, in Bull Fiddle limbo.

Meanwhile, Macca’s on’t floor, temporarily, along with one of my monitor speakers, the guitar pedal-board, & sundry other bits n’ pieces. In Bull Fiddle corner. I need a better way to store the bass. Ideally a dedicated stand. I did have one, when I had my other (Antoni) double bass. Should’ve kept it!

The Macca pic is a bit like the Karen C ones, more there just for the overall vibe. Not ‘cause I partic’ rate Paul’s drumming! But for the whole ‘wonderful world of music’ thing that the image evokes.

Trying to relocate a badly misplaced eye.

This back to front one is Bonham. Can’t hang him just yet, as the hanging eye needed relocating. The next phase is to populate the area behind the kit. And I have plenty of images for that area. That’ll get done after lunch. Taking a lunch break now…

Bit of a pano’. Note empty area behind kit.


Lunch etten, time for phasoid two. First up, the other nice big Tom Closing Time 50th anniversary poster. This one is behind me.

Good ol’ Tom!

I don’t want to over clutter this space. There’s room for one or two small images below, perhaps?

Tom’s got my back.

I took lots of pics of me in front of this Tom poster. And I’m far from happy with any of them. This was the best of a bad lot!

Prince, lower Tom, Bonham n’ Macca.

Despite my efforts, at relocating his ‘hanging eye’, Bonham’s still a bit tipsy! And Paul is a little low… hey ho! Not to worry.

A nice little moody lighting pano’.

Unfortunately the above photo is a wee bit distorted in places. I’ll try and take some better pics in dew coarse. But at least it catches a bit of atmos’!


Hanging a couple of Jim Fitzpatrick prints.

And last bit not least, here I am putting up a couple of Jim Fitzpatrick’s Thin Lizzy artwork prints.


And in lower lighting…

Doesn’t look that different!?

I do have some more frames and prints. I want to get a few more jazz funk soul cats up on the walls. And also a few other musicians: bass players, Grant Green… but I think that’s all for today?

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