DAYS OUT: St. James, Newton in the Isle

I like this building.

Passed through Wisbang on the way to work. And after work I found another interesting church; St James, at Newton in the Isle.

Spotted this rather tired looking church.

I was passing it, and decided to stop and look. Sadly ‘twas locked up. So, just exterior shots. I’ll go back, some day, for a look inside.

A rather patchy exterior.
Chunky and clunky.
A little sad looking, perhaps?

The whole structure looks rather neglected. And a little bit sad.

Even the sign is dilapidated!
I like this!
No glass. Blocked up. Sad.
Mossy memorial mausoleum?

There are some nice old memorials. And the grounds are green and pleasant.

Nice vegetation.
Po’ John, died just seven months old, back in ‘55… 1855.
The view from behind the church.

I’m hoping someone can let me look around inside. There are issues with the structural safety of this poor old church. But I’ve talked to someone, and they say it’s do-able.

Coming apart at the seams.
I’d like to see this from the inside.
Likewise this ‘un. Note weird blood red pane.
… and this one, n’ all.

This church is unusual, in that it’s so run down. It also puts into perspective how well looked after most of the churches I stop and look at are. Which is a rather nice thing to contemplate.

If I ever have a bob or two to spare, I’d like to support the work of The Churches Conservation Trust. Here’s hoping my finances will one day be healthy enough to do so!


As grey a day as it was, there was this… look at this field of daffs! Gorgeous.

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