DAYS iN: Tidying & Selling

Just cleared up and cleaned this area.


How does one get rid of condensation that’s inside a double glazed window? Is it even possible? Googling the subject suggests, yes, one can remedy the situation. Although it sounds like it’ll recur.

I need to heat the window, prob’ whilst open, to remove damp air. Then close it, with – one hopes? – only warm dry air inside. I’ll give it a try. But not immediately.

Good advice! If only I’d heed it.

Why not straight away? Because I’m proving ridiculously tardy, when it comes to photographing and listing my drum hardware for sale. I think what I’ll do, in order to make the latter a manageable job, is do it in chunks.

First off, I’ll do the Yamaha hardware. As that’s both what I have the most of. And also, possibly or probably, the most valusable. Being as it’s heavy-duty double-braced pro’ level gear.

Heavy duty gear. Check that seat!

There’s also the issue of ‘what do I want to keep?’ Once upon a yesteryear, it’d’ve bean the Yammy stuff. Not so any more! It’s too heavy. It’s good for a studio set up, that once erected is left in situ. But it’s too much hard work for carting around gigging.

Mind, I’m not actually doing either any more. But I might resume?

For now I’m going to keep the Gibraltar hardware, and the few bits of Gretsch that go with my Catalina Club Jazz kit.

Keeping for now. Must change the beater, tho’!

I may well sell the Club Jazz kit. In which case I’ll certainly be selling the Gretsch hardware that goes wi’ it. But that’s only floor-tom legs, bass drum tom mount, and, er… well, I think that’s it?

If I recall aright, my Gibraltar stuff – hi-hat stand/pedal, kick pedal, straight cymbal, boom cymbal, and snare stand (poss’ a seat as well?) – came with the Gretsch kit?

Then there’s the Mapex stuff. This includes: a cymbal stand mounting ‘free floating’ tom arm/clamp, two sets of floor-tom legs, a double kick pedal, snare stand, and one or two cymbal stands.

Mapex stuff…
… inc. double kick pedals.

If I sell the Mapex kit – and I must admit I don’t really want to, at least not yet – the issue of hardware is more confused. I might want to keep the double-kick pedals? But once again, I don’t use it. In fact I’ve almost never used it. So mayhap I should just move it along?

And then there’s various other bits and bats, such as my two Big Dog snare stands. I think I’ll keep both of those for now. One for a practice pad. The other for a practice snare. And having two is useful when teaching. Although whether I’ll ever be doing that again is questionable.

Right now it’s tea break time…

Part the Second

Having spent the afternoon photographing and listing various bits of Yamaha hardware, and a Premier triple-mount stand, plus a pair of Fastball clamps, on numerous interweb drum selling pages, we had dinner.

After dinner, I shifted my efforts to clearing and organising the drum room/office. Here’s what it looked like before tidying:

Took this pic, Feb 7th, ‘24.

The room was literally full to overflowing! Mostly with drum kits and related gubbins. There are three kits in here at this point: Yamaha Club Jazz four piece; Mapex Meridian five piece; Ayotte Custom Maple (all wood hoops!) five piece.

Plus sundry other bits: lots of hardware, a number of cymbals, extra snares, a pair of congas, and a heap of non drum stuff. The latter includes tech bits and bobs, and other instruments, like guitars (and pedals/pedal-board), assorted percussion, and even a double bass (three-quarter size).

And here are a few post tidy-up pics:

A playable kit again!

It’s great to get a kit set up again. After quite a few months of not playing at all. Getting the set back in place felt good. I’m actually looking forward to resuming playing.

It’s still an overly messy cluttered room, alas.

Ok, the room is massively improved. There’s a playable kit set up. And I can move about the room, where before it was a chock-full cluttered disaster zone. But there’s room for a great deal more improvement.

One thing I did, which improves the ergonomics and practicality of the room massively, is move the printer from the opposite side of the room to the computer – a stupid arrangement I persisted with for aeons (doh!), constantly causing me to trip over dangling leads – to the same side.

In a lower light setting.

As can be seen in the above photo, I’m experimenting with placing crash cymbals higher than formerly (although I’m limited as to how high, by the low sloped ceiling). I used to usually have two crashes. At prez I just have the one. But I’ll prob’ set another one up, as soon as time allows.

I also want more lighting options. Which again, I’ve had in the past. And I want more art or inspirational imagery up, on the walls. To which end several previous posts here attest (find them here and here), with my gradual accumulation of music and drumming related prints.

Some of the drum room pics/art.

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