MUSiC: David Munrow, Bamber-Satchmo o’Ancient Music?

Wow! This is wonderful. I will always love David Munrow, even if only for the music he Contributed to an old BBC Radio 4 adaptation of The Hobbit.

In the opening sequence he proves himself to be the bastard love-child of Bamber Gascoigne and Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong, with his knowledge of and prowess on this ancient wind instrument.

Blow, man… blow!

He also demonstrates here why aesthete snobs throughout the ages, all the way back to the Ancient Greeks, felt that wind instruments were not for true gentleman. Look at what they do to one’s face! Those bullfrog puffed-out cheeks?

He wasn’t just good at playing these one or two instruments, but could play many, with an impressive level of proficiency. And he not only kept old repertoire alive, but composed as well. Writing music for all sorts of uses, including the OST for the film Zardoz!


Munrow proves to be yet another person that I love with a tragic tale to tell. This immensely talented young man hung himself, at the very young age of 33! So sad. What a waste.

Having frequently experienced depression myself, and not only entertained but even tried out what they nowadays call ‘suicidal ideation’. You’d think I’d understand. And maybe I do? Or maybe I don’t?

Wonderful music.

I fully intend to dig deeper into the man the was David Munrow, and his multifarious musical machinations.

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