MUSiC: Mahavishnu Orchestra Live, ‘72

MUNICH, 17/8/‘72

Ah, this takes me back. Not quite to ‘72. As that’s the year I was born. But to my mid- to late-teens, when I discovered The Mahavishnu Orchestra.

I’m a bit more reserved or circumspect about my enthusiasm for and admiration of these guys than I was ‘back in the day’, when the intensity of my love for them was akin to, albeit not quite on a par with, their own volcanic levels of energy and intensity.

I do still love these guys and their music. And perhaps at this early point in their career most especially so. This is basically their debut album Inner Mounting Flame, live.

Meeting Of The Spirits
You Know You Know
The Dance of The Maya
(Cobham solo) One Word
The Noonward Race
A Lotus on Irish Streams
Inner Mounting Flame
1) Meeting of the Spirits
2) Dawn
3) The Noonward Race
4) A Lotus on Irish Streams
5) Vital Transformation
6) The Dance of Maya
7) You Know You Know
8) Awakening

That was the first album by them I got, as it happens. Prob’ off the back of hearing The Life Divine, a collab’ ‘twixt Santana – who I was already a huge fan of – and McLaughlin, from Love Devotion & Surrender.

Oh, those heady youthful days of emergent ecstasy! How naive was I?

LONDON, 25/8/‘72

This is the same band playing much the same repertoire. But the video and audio are slightly better quality. Hence the extra half star.

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