MiSC: Google Photos ‘Memories’


The above is a screenshot, or ‘capture’, of the last image in a series that the Google Photos app just ‘pinged’ me with. I actually rather like the bouillabaisse of images it has presented.

There’s Gillray era/style stuff, some Steve Bell, even a bit of Tintin/Hergé. Lots of Napoleonic/Georgian images, and a few oddments, such as ‘The Dandy’s Perambulations’, and ‘The Peacock’s Complaint’.

Rather good!*

All told, a rather rich soup of visual imagery!

* I don’t recall where, how or why I first encountered this. But I must’ve done so. And I must’ve liked it enough to store the picture in Google Photos. I like the sort of homespun advice, as well. I’m not always receptive to such admonitions. But right now, I am!

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