DAYS iN: R&R, & Other Stuff…

A lovely lunch of leftovers… yummy!

Teresa just sat down beside me, at the dining table, and, observing me, said ‘You don’t have to rush. Just take your time.’

Modern life has the habit of making one tense up, and rush everything, alas. I find it pretty hard to relax, other than when asleep; hence my ardent love of sleep!

This post is about that side of today. We lay in till midday. Lunch was a delicious pork curry, of leftovers, with rice and dhal. After that we played cards.

This afternoon I’ve been sorting through drum/cymbal hardware, with a view to selling as much of it as I can bear to par with.

It’s my intention to only keep the minimum necessary for the one or two drum kits I might keep. The rest of my drum-sets, which is somewhere between two to four, I’m hoping to sell, ASAP.

Not ‘cause I want to, btw. But ‘cause needs must. But I’ll post about that separately, methinks. This little post is, or was, about trying to chill on a Sunday. Which I’m managing to do, despite crushing fiscal anxieties.

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