MUSiC: Lost & Found – Juice, Ryo Kawasaki

Phew! Found, at last.

I knew I’d ordered this CD, as it’s in my Amazon ‘order history’. But I hadn’t been able to find it since I ordered it. Despite the order status saying ‘delivered’. I’d kind of given up on it, to be honest.

Still haven’t listened to it properly!

I bought it for myself as a reward for good behaviour, during a particularly troubled period, not that long ago. Each week I abstained from intoxication, I would reward myself with a small ‘prize’. This was one such.

I was also going through a slight J-Jazz phase, exploring more jazzy biz from the Land of The Rising Sun, thanks to the influence of artists like Casiopea and Masayoshi Takanaka.

Anyways, I’m glad Teresa found it. Thanks, love! Next step… listen to it. Not right now, tho’, as Teresa’s watching The Blue Planet II.

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