MUSiC: Linguas de Fogo, Sidney Miller, 1974

This isn’t – at least not yet – a review. It’s just a place for me to put up the above linked YouTube video, to listen to and potentially share with others, as a part of my newly begun exploration of Charles Gavin’s 25 selections for the 2006 Som Livre Masters.

So far what I’ve heard, of both this and other recordings on the list, is proving wonderful. Just down my boulevard.

Linguas de Fogo translates as Tongues of Fire. Here are the Brazilian Portuguese lyrics for the title track:

Deixa o meu verso passar
Como passa no ar
Esse sopro de vento
Que faz em seu corpo
Bem mais que fariam
Palavras no seu pensamento

Deixa o meu verso passar
Como passa no mar
Essa onda que dança
E que faz em seu corpo
Bem mais que fariam
Palavras na sua lembrança

Deixa o meu verso lamber
Entre as línguas de fogo
Deixa o meu verso correr
Entre as cartas do jogo

Pra onde vai o som
Depois que o escutamos?
Pra onde vai a voz
Que vem de nós?
Pra onde vamos?

And here’s my (slightly tweaked) Google Translate rendering:

Let my verse pass
How it passes in the air
A breath of wind
What do these words do to your body?
Much more than they would
As just words in your thoughts

Let my verse pass
How does it fare at sea
This wave that dances
What do these words do to your body?
Much more than they would
As just words in your memory

Let my verse flicker
Amongst tongues of fire
Let my verse run
Amongst the playing cards

Where does the sound go
After we hear it?
Where does the voice go?
What comes from us?
Where are we going?

I utterly adore the poetic philosophical vibe of these words. I even flatter myself that some of my own songs explore similar territory.

It’s interesting to note that amongst the musician credits there are numerous names I recognise, such as Toninho Horta (guitar), Luiz Alves (bass), and Danilo Caymmi (flute, backing vocals).

I have plenty of other music these guys appear on. And it’s nice to see some of them are still going; Luiz Alves, for example, played with Arthur Verocai on some of the latter’s fairly recent ‘comeback’ performances.

I plan to explore all 25 of Charles Gavin’s choices/recommendations. And so far, so very, very good.

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