MUSiC: Marcos Valle, Playing @ Home!

Whilst researching the previous Som Livre Masters post, I stumbled upon this. A Boiler Room production, it’s from that weird lockdown period several years back.

It’s great seeing and hearing Marcos playing a little solo set from his home, in Rio de Janeiro. Just as he did on the gig we saw, he comes across so humble and natural. It’s very refreshing.

When he talks about working with Leon Ware, you don’t feel he’s ego tripping. But simply remembering treasured times. It’s quite moving, in an understated way.

And when he plays Summer Samba, he prefaces it with a very succinct preamble, about how he still enjoys playing it, and tweaking it, to keep it fresh.

And then he does just that; plays it beautifully, with the perfect balance of old and new. And, in an interesting aside, he also divides the lyrics fairly equally between English and Portuguese.

And… oh, sweet bliss! He sings Tira Mao! One of my absolute favourites from his terrific Previsão do Tempo album (a vinyl copy of which is visible behind him.

Marcos… we love you!

Some might think otherwise, but I really don’t like to think about or talk about or give any oxygen to my depressive tendencies. But I’m going through a rough patch right now.

A court appearance – accused of something I didn’t do – is looming. And I just crashed and trashed our car. Of the latter, I am very much guilty. So I’m without wheels, and consequently without income.

Watching Marcos perform this intimate concert – which I’m doing as I type this – is a real balm. He even says, during his intro, ‘I’m glad I can help, with my music, people who are really needing the support.’ When he said that I didn’t pay too much heed. But I see now that I am one such!

He also says, later on, that he co-composed a song, the title of which translates as ‘Protect Yourself’ before the ‘problem with the virus’ hit us all. In his gently understated way – I think he says it’s ‘funny’ – he notes how oddly apt this makes the song; recorded before, but released during the height of the Covid pandemic.

As he gets towards the end of the set, he treats us to another old warhorse, the classic ‘Os Grilos’ (or ‘Crickets Sing For Ana Maria’. And once again he tweaks it beautifully, keeping this ages old number beautifully and warmly present and alive.

He closes out the set with ‘Estrelar’ (‘Star’), another Leon Ware collab’. Thanks to all involved in making this beautiful cosy gig happen, and sharing it with us. Truly wonderful.

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