DAYS OUT: St Botolph’s & Longthorpe Tower, Peterboro’

St Botolph’s, from the rear/car park side.

After work, and after the sojourn at the Sue Ryder Hospice, I spotted St Botolph’s, and nearby, Longthorpe Tower. The church was open. The tower wasn’t.

New built annexe, housing rood screen.
Ye font, etc.
Note chairs, not pews.

Strange church this. Feels like it’s been looked after. Possibly a bit too much? Very mixed bag, stained glass wise. some of which is blocked (e.g. below), so it isn’t illuminated by any light, natural or otherwise. Odd!

Blocked stained glass ‘lights’.
Partially blocked, but at least ‘lit’.

The above is the best of the stained glass windows. Very Pre-Raphaelite! Loved the flowers – lilies? – so zoomed in on ‘em:


Lots of varied sized windows. From the big to the cutely small.

Dinky little window in massively thick wall.
Another of the semi-blocked stained glasses.

Some of the stained glass windows are totally blocked, light-wise. Others just partially so. Such as the one above. At least enough light gets through you get an idea of it. And another close up, this time winged cherubic heads!

Bonkers, eh!?
Crap blurred pic of interesting alcove.

And from St. Botolph’s, to Longthorpe Tower…

Sadly closed, at present.

This tower is apparently famed for some wall paintings it contains. Must go back and check it out when it’s open.

Back on April Fool’s Day, perhaps?

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