DAYS OUT: Sue Ryder Hospice Gardens, Peterborough


After I’d finished my delivery shift, I wanted to visit Thorpe Park, Peterboro’, which was nearby. I couldn’t see how or here to park and get access. But I spotted a Sue Ryder Hospice, with signs for a shop, on the edge of the park.

So I visited that. And I’m very glad I did. I’ve been wrestling the ol’ black-eyed dog, just recently. And the hospice had a nice garden attached. I stopped in there for a while. And it was very restorative.

The hospice buildings.

There maintenance work going on; stone block paving is being restored, or renewed. So parts of the hospice grounds are like a building site.

But the gardens were fine. Indeed, where the snowdrops were, and the lovely old walls, there are some trees or. She’s that are giving off a beautifully fragrant aroma. That and the birds chirruping away was lovely.

One of numerous sage green benches.

I noted that there’s a workshop in the grounds. I wonder if they make the benches on site? They all differ slightly, and have a slightly rustic rough n’ ready vibe.

There’s a pond.
Slight pano’.

This was the nicest. Or er if the garden section that I was in. The. Knob of gravel paths, beds of snowdrops, the old walls/gate, and the trees and bushes, all added up to something very charming.

The view from the bench I sat on.

I sat here for about… we’ll, I’ll be honest, I lost track of time. Might’ve been 10-15 minutes. Could’ve been a fair bit longer? Some of the time I just sat. Listening to birdsong. I also had Shelby Foote with me, and read some of that.

And I bought a few books from the shop. Yep, they had a Sue Ryder charity shop on the site as well! I got one for Teresa (a Scrabble dictionary), one for dad’s forthcoming birthday (74!), and one on Trafalgar, for me.

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