DAYS OUT: Hilton in The Rain

Hilton’s famous turf maze.

My delivery shift took me to Hilton today. it rained constantly. Not the best weather for appreciating the prettier aspects of this, in parts, very picturesque place.

En route to the ‘drop zone’.
Didn’t have time to check the church.
A rather wet maze.
Couldn’t read what’s on this column.
Info’ board.
Nice trees on a quaint old green.
Some lovely properties, on The Green.
Nicely trained foliage.

There are some really lovely properties dotted round the completely gorgeous old village green.

Cute cottages, with little bridges.

My grim mood, and the rather horrid grey rainy weather combined to make for a fecund day, poetry wise. I penned four pieces, during the dank and dreary downpours of the afternoon!

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