HOME/DIY: Little Fixes…

Clamping up the wee chippie…

I can’t recall how it happened, but a small chip of wood got knocked off this little blue gate I made, out front. I kept the bit of wood, intending to glue it back in place as soon as…

Aeons later, I’ve finally got around to it. I’ve been sat at home for approaching two hours now, in the front lounge area, keeping an eye out, to make sure nobody nicks my clamps, whilst it glues up.

Three clamps oughta do it?

I hope the glue I used does the trick? I used a builder’s PVA, instead of the woodworking stuff I usually use. I also taped it up a bit. Hoping that’d help.

Ooh, me balls are flaking!
Even flakier than me?

These wooden globes are looking a little sad and tired (rather like me, perhaps?)

Sad and tired…

Another wee jobbie that needed attending to was the back door. It was practically falling off; the top hinge had mysteriously lost two screws. And the two that remained, were loose. All of this added up to making it not close properly, unsurprisingly.

Fully screwed!
Closes much better now.

There are hundreds more similar jobs that need to be done, throughout our dear ol’ home. The next on my list is the ‘orrible manky mouldy trim, etc, around the bath.

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