HOME: Tidying Up

Massively more tidy…

Believe it or not, the above pic’ shows our bedroom, or rather those areas of it I’ve tidied – ‘my side’ of the room, you might say? – massively improved in terms of tidiness.

My tattered n’ torn psyche was bellowing at me to de-clutter these areas… again. So I did. I seem to have to do this over and over and over. But that’s life, I guess?

This area will be even calmer soon.

It’ll actually get better still, pretty soon, as the two framed Thin Lizzy prints will be going in the music room/office/studio. And there’s a little pile of six more framed prints below the Nightlife artwork that will also be going up in the drum room.

Hitherto it’s been my custom to disrobe for bed and simply dump my clothing on the floor, down by the foot of our bed. Not any more! I’ll be folding clothes neatly, and leaving them (temporarily) atop the chest of drawers. To be worn again or put in the wash, the following day.

Clearer, calmer.

The areas pictured above are usually piled high with stuff. Now the floor is clear. And the chest of drawers is neat and minimal. Ditto the chair.

The thing under the chair is a little wooden ‘bed table’ type thing, that I made years ago. Like a mini bench, for eating off, or doing whatever it might be; reading, arts n’ crafts.

Anyway, whilst wee pockets of chaos persist, even in these pics (if you look close enough), it’s a trend in the right direction. And I really do feel the benefits, more or less immediately.

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