DAYS OUT: Another Fenland Bunker

Approaching the bunker.

I had the day off work today. I ought to have worked, frankly. But there weren’t any shifts coming up! Prob’ needed the rest, tbh.

Just a big bush from this angle.

So I drove around after lunch, for a change of scene and some fresh air. Listened to Funk Factory, a 1975 Urbaniak album. Polish American jazz funk fusion. Really good!

At one ping I passed a sign with a name like ‘pillbox meadow’. My antennae rose, and I kept my eyes peeled for said pillbox. Sho’ nuff, a short way away, I came across the bunker that features on this post.

Viewed from across the water.
Zooming in a little.

Situated on a junction of multiple roads/paths sbd a waterway, this bunker feels like an observation post. It has vision slits on all faces. Tho’ now one or more aspects are blocked to varying degrees – some completely – by plant growth. Good camo’. But crap for obs.

Recrossing the stream.

As I recrossed the stream, the patterns on the metal footplate caught my eye. Time and nature’s encroachment rendering pretty patterns.

Love this!

Back to the bunker, to have a look around inside. This is another one that’s not been bricked up. Thankfully.

The entrance.
Nature is reclaiming this space.

Sadly this one, unlike the gun emplacement I last looked at, is full of crappy human detritus. Indeed, I was a little worried, in the near dark, that it might’ve been a tramp’s toilet.

Let’s go in…

Inside it was darkly gloomy. More so due to the vision slots being choked with plant growth.

Walking around inside.
Choked vision slit, crap on the floor.
Looking back to the entrance.
T’other side.
A better view from this slot.
I like the bleached leaching effect over the top.
Another fine unobscured view.
Wonder what the metal thing was for?
And back out again.
Viewed from the pillbox bank.

I do love exploring these relics. It’s a pity they’re not maintained better.

And that’s that.

And off I go…

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