ART/MUSIC: Framing Prints (for the music/drum room)

Looking good!

I’m going to try and get my music room cum office back in order, some time soonish. I want it to be a lot less cluttered (difficult, given how tiny it is!), and more inspiring.

Ginger, Karen and John Henry.

To help with the inspiration, I’ll be adorning the walls with inspiring images. Be they album covers, musicians/artists, or whatever. I made a start today with this selection of six drummer pictures.

Ginger, Karen, and Mike Shrieve.

I’ve started at the rock n’ pop and of things. Ginger is a foundational influence. As is Michael Shrieve. Awareness of Karen Carpenter as a drummer cam a lot later.

I’ll be addressing other musical areas – Jazz, Funk, Soul, whatever – very soon. And other instruments. Bull fiddle, for sure!

But this feels like a good start!

Uh-oh… current state of the drum room.

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