After my visit to St Peter’s in Outwell, I drove to a spot I’d taken note of on one of my fairly recent delivery drives. On the previous occasion it was a glorious sunset. Today it’s grey n’ incredibly windy.
Ne’er moind, as they moight say round these parts. I stopped and got snap happy anyway. I love these tatty old nondescript relics of recent near Armageddon.
This one, even better, is stil open, and not filled with the detritus of hoboes or misspent youths. It has the look and feel of a small artillery emplacement. With a commanding view of the waterway crossing and (A1698) road. The side vision ports offer surprisingly poor views.
It’s a very low structure, in which you’d have to sit, kneel, or squat. With an open rear. It was fun to look it over. Despite the Arctic gale blowing through it.