DAYS OUT: St Marge, o’ Antioch, Abbotsley

A very handsome building.
Note the unusual figure sculptures atop the tower.

Apparently the figures in the tower are Scottish kings! I wonder why?

Nice stained glass.
More nice stained glass.
A beautiful main window, behind the altar.
Ornate but empty niche.
Nobody nose…
… the troubles I’ve seen.

We might think of rhinoplasty as a modern thing. But there’s evidence the practice may date back much further than we thought, if these corbels are anything to go by.

Back at the road/car.

A nice building, all told. And a bit unusual in several ways. One, being the Scot’s Kings, another being that the church is now split in twain: a small part still being used as a place of worship. But the eager part being in the care of the CCT, or Church Conservation Trust.

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