HEALTH & WELLBEiNG: Can I Survive a Beer?

The tipple of choice for this experiment.

I’ve bought a can of beer. And beer with alky-hole innit.

This is significant. As I’ve been tea-turtle for quite some time now. I haven’t been suffering maddening lusts for booze. I did have another minor ‘lapse’, a few days ago, and have a thimble-full of Baileys.

The Baileys was pleasant enough. But, rather gladdeningly, I didn’t want any more. It was nice. But not too nice.

Now, a few day later, I want to see what happens if I have a single beer. Can I maintain my control? My equilibrium? Can I resist a gradually-building turning to horribly-inevitable descent into addiction.

It sounds almost comical. But it ain’t. Not by a long bleedin’ chalk! It’s feckin’ serious.

Tried this recently. Pleasant enough.

Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol beers have been helpful. I find I like them. But I’m not crazy about them. And they kind of help put the flavour aspect of alcoholic beers in a new perspective.

Alcoholic beers taste ok. But it’s the alcohol that, rather sneakily, becomes the driver. You can kind of kid yourself you’re being discriminating. Well – in fairness I guess you are? – but there’s something revealing about removing the alcohol.

What I’m getting at is that returning to booze, and beer in particular, I’m slightly disappointed by it. Not in a major league way. It’s just a reminder that it’s not all that

Anyhoo… I picked Shore Leave partly cause it just jumped out at me, and partly on account of the Tom Waits song by that name. And I’m enjoying it. I just hope I’m not enjoying it too much?

These are yummy!

Bought some me delish Lu French lemon flavoured cakey things. I thought they were flat biscuits. Turns out they’re quite chunky!

A ‘pregnant’ profile !

From the side they almost look a bit like Chinese dumplings. They don’t taste that way at all, needles to say (that’s a Patridgean pun!).

So… will I survive?

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