DAYS OUT: Pretty Portals & Splendid Skies

Cool clouds cover industrial Lynn.

Out and about on my errands, up in Kings Lynn and environs, the skies were utterly magnificent. I wish I had a better camera, for to do them more justice.

Sublime skies over the A47.

I also stopped briefly to check out a lighting emporium, and on the same street I spotted these fabulous doorframes:

Very imposing!

I utterly adore such detailing. The grooves on the columns, the acanthus leaf type patterns on the capitals. Gorgeous.

Moving east, along Portland St.

Slightly tattier, but I love the green notes. This style is probably more in keeping with the Classical era influences and their Victorian homages than the previous modern overpainting, in uniform grey. ‘Though that said, the modern approach remains very, um… groovy.

Both the tattiest, and the most ornate.

This third example differs most. Wow! What a riot of pattern and detail! Really quite stunning. Whenever I see such stuff, I think to myself, how can I incorporate some of this richness into our home? Is that madness? At the very least I find it feels uplifting and inspiring just to contemplate this kind of architectural and design filigree.

Nearing home, sushi pit stop at Guyhirn.

I stopped en-route home, for petrol. The garage had a lone serving of sushi for sale. I snapped it up and wolfed it down. Yummy! As little footnote: the sushi – £2.85 – wouldn’t scan at the till. The lady kindly scanned something else – donuts, 89 pence – so I got a bargain!

Said sushi…

And home…

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