Been awake since about 5.30 am. ‘Cause that’s when Teresa wakes up! Had a weird night of strange dreams. Anyroad… I’m about to set off for North Walsham. Almost two hours away. Why? To buy the plan-chest pictured above (and below), from a chap advertising on Gumtree, for our Art Studio.
I’ve been after some plan chests for years. But they’re usually unaffordably expensive. I bartered the seller down on this, a little, making it worthwhile, despite the travel time/petrol costs. Setting off at 8am. That’s not really that early, I guess. But it’s early-ish, for me!
As soon as I get this home (getting the thing in the house on my own was an ordeal!), King Chester claims it for his own! What a star he is. Really take a good look at that beautiful face; it says, in a relaxed and frank manner, ‘All is well in my world. And all of this is my world.’