MiSC: Simple Things

… gathers no moss!?

I had the day off today. A Sunday. It’s nice to stay home, spend time with Teresa, and do simple homely stuff.

We went for a walk by the river, after lunch. Which was lovely. The first three snaps of this post are from that walk.

Tropical hits in the gray Fens.
… more tropical Anglian oddness.

Sadly, whilst the cozily lazy stay at home is lovely, it’s not free from anxiety, or other nagging worries, for me, alas.

A Gillray cartoon I absolutely adore.

Gillray’s irreverently bawdy take on a Biblical story, pictured above, is, I think, utterly wonderful.

But it also touches upon, if you’ll pardon such punnery, sensitive issues for me, around my hedonistic tendencies, and penchant for self-soothing indulgence.

But nuff’ said on such things!

Teresa snaps the game.

Later in the day we played Scrabble. This was something of a Sunday institution for us, for quite some time. But we’ve lapsed of late. It’s nice to get back into it.

We also did a Joe Wicks seniors workout. Another regular routine that’s slipped. It’s astonishing how astonishing it is, every time we or I do it, the surprise one feels on reconfirming how beneficial a little exercise is.

A Sunday tradition resumed.

For dinner Teresa cooked a chicken casserole with a cream n’ white wine sauce. Yummy!

We also attempted a viewing of another Norman Wisom picture. This is a more recent addition to tradition, as we work through a boxed set of his films.

Truncheon meet…

This one, On The Beat, whilst occasionally funny, isn’t his best. Then Teresa broke from it, to web-chat with Patrick. I couldn’t face that. Feeling rather flimsy.

Rather than finish the rather lust-lacquer movie, I went to bed. At 7.30 pm. Where I’m typing this. Going to read Shelby Foote now, then listen to rain and go to sleep!

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