Poverty and ill health – mental as well as physical, alas – conspire to prevent me making this gig. Which sho’ nuff snuck up on me! It’s tonight, at The Barbican, in the Big Bad Ol’ Smoke.
Tickets are over £40. And I’m scraping bottom (eugh!) fiscally at present. And have been for ages. So it’s a no go. What a bummer.
The Man is 78, as well (five years older than my ailing Pa!). So who knows if or when he’ll be back? I really should’ve planned my life better. For a billion reasons. Missing this is just another one.
But, hey-ho. You gotta roll with the punches. And I just need to be mellow – as Lee Hutson (as he likes to be known these days Stateside) himself exhorts us to be – and accept my current reality.
Mayhap I’ll have a listen to him, this evening, in honour of his visit to our benighted shores?
Love ya, LeRoy… wish I could join you tonight! Have a great gig…