MiSC: Crazy Dreams!

Wow! What a load of weird shit I just awoke from. I was dreaming about orgies, and elephants and lions, and all sorts. Bonkers!

There was stuff tethered, albeit only loosely, in reality – Teresa and I cuddling Chester – but he was super-ripped, a kind of cartoon Arnold Schwarze-pussy!?

There was a whole segment of the dream in which I was staying with a crazy rich family, who were a kind of ever-shifting mix of toothless hillbillies, and suave rich folk. They seemed to live semi/feral, in either Africa or a game park. There were elephants. And shortly after that, lions.

At one point I’m in a shack, facing off several lions, who are trying to get in. I’m shouting/roaring at them, to scare them off, and they’re on their hind-legs, roaring back, trying to get in, via those two-part farm style doors.

And, as is the way with dreams, suddenly things shift. And we’re rounded up and herded off; are we now prisoners, or were we rescued? It isn’t at all clear.

There was also a bit where a big character says he doesn’t like rabbits, and proceeds to drop-kick one over a house, only for it to survive, and, after a pause to recover, hop/limp off. What’s that all about?

But the bit I enjoyed the most was a full on sex orgy, in which I got to eat plenty of sopping wet… er, well… least said soonest mended. But that was a seriously bonkers night of dreams.

I kind of wish it were possible to record them. There’s so much more in them than one can get down or convey afterwards. It remains my view that, to at least some degree, they’re a bit of a random kaleidoscope, a smorgasbord (or in this instance a ‘smorgasmbord’), maybe even a ‘flushing out’, of the mind.

Essentially random, our brains respond by seeking to make order and narrative out of it all. Which is what they do anyway, in waking life as well, with the raw material of ‘real life’. Properly weird, but very enjoyable!

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